CSP Consultancy Integrated Solutions co. ltd

A gathering of expert consultants from various disciplines whose present high level of quality in developing , improving evaluating and supervision services in multi fields such as engineering, technology, health, ....

our vision
Establish and proceed strong contribution in management strategy execution for different influnce fields in Sudan
our message
• what gets measured gets done

 • if you dont measure results you can't tell success

our mission
Measurement, Analyze Investigate, Evaluation, Amelioration.
our values
Patience, Insisting, Loyalty, Giving, Honesty, Transparency

industrial consultant

Ali Elsayed Mukhtar
Eng. Mukhtar is a sugar technology consultant with more than 40 years of experience in 

Dr. Ahmed E. Elhassan

Academic Publishing Consultant

Objective Teaching Separation processes, thermodynamics, environmental, engineering, refinery operation 

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strategic planning consultant

Muna T. M. Ahmed
Certified Strategic Planner (ICBC)

PhD in Chemical Engineering, Engineering Management Strategies in Chemical Industries (KRC & KPC – KSC) in Sudan: Measurement and Amelioration. MSc in Chemical Engineering,
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